Application scenarios of low-temperature lithium batteries

Low temperature batteries are special batteries specially developed to address the inherent low-temperature defects in the performance of chemical power sources. Low temperature batteries refer to lithium-ion batteries with operating temperatures below -40 degrees Celsius, mainly used in military aerospace, vehicle equipment, scientific research emergency rescue, power communication, public safety, medical electronics, railways, ships, robots and other fields. Low temperature lithium batteries can be divided into energy storage type and rate type based on their discharge performance. Low temperature lithium batteries are divided into military low-temperature lithium batteries and industrial low-temperature lithium batteries according to their application fields. According to the usage environment, it can be divided into three major series: civilian low-temperature batteries, special low-temperature batteries, and extreme environmental low-temperature batteries.

Low temperature lithium-ion batteries are divided into military low-temperature lithium-ion batteries and industrial low-temperature lithium-ion batteries according to their application fields.

Low temperature lithium-ion batteries are classified according to their usage environment as follows:

1. -20 civilian low-temperature lithium-ion batteries: -20 batteries discharge at 0.2C, accounting for more than 90% of the rated capacity; The battery discharges at 0.2C below -30, accounting for more than 85% of the rated capacity.

2. -40 dedicated low-temperature lithium-ion battery -40 battery with 0.2C discharge accounts for more than 85% of rated capacity;

3. -50 extreme environment low-temperature lithium-ion batteries -50 batteries discharged at 0.2C account for more than 60% of the rated capacity;

According to the usage environment, it is divided into three major series: civilian low-temperature batteries, special low-temperature batteries, and extreme environmental low-temperature batteries.

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